So I’m not usually one to brag, but today I’m making an exception. I have been creating and developing fitness programs for over 20 years (yes..I did say 20…the first fitness class I learned to teach was JAZZERCISE!). We were the first business in Toronto to create “green fitness” programs and outdoor bootcamps. Now they are in every park and playground in the city. We offered indoor cycling programs before the term “spinning” was coined. And we began teaching unique and hip mind-body programs like “Hard Core Fusion” and “Martini Yoga” well before Lululemon was covering everyone’s backside. What we never did was put our stamp on it. On any of it. Why? Long story short, being from a family of lawyers, it seemed ridiculous to me that ANYONE would consider trademarking exercise. EXERCISE! It would be like putting a patent on eating! However, everyone is doing it! From Bikram to Moksha, Zumba to CrossFit, every smart business owner is putting a wee little ™ beside their program name and capitalizing on well-marketed, recycled fitness ideas.
Now, I’m not saying that I invented this entire concept…cardio and yoga have been around for years! But I am putting my stamp on it. So here it is folks. My fitness offspring. Created for me, by me and for all people like me. CARDIYoga™. What is it, you may ask? My answer….it’s the best workout you’ve never tried. A unique combination of yoga, Pilates and bootcamp drills, all fused together with a stellar rockin’ playlist, and designed for the average person with a busy schedule. It’s totally green— all you need is a good pair of shoes and a yoga mat (optional). It’s fast—each session is designed to get you in and out in under an hour. It’s a complete system— incorporating cardiovascular, strength, endurance, agility, metabolic, core and flexibility training all in one. It’s motivating—using the most current training modalities and loud, chart-topping music (no ohm-ing, chanting or babbling brook soundtracks in this class I’m afraid!). And most importantly…it’s fun!
Have I tempted you? Hopefully so. And if in the Toronto area, please come experience CARDIYoga for yourself. Either through a private group session or at our weekly classes. We are currently offering CARDIYoga exclusively at a midtown neighbourhood yoga studio, called ZEN BEGINNINGS. The program runs Monday and Wednesday nights at 7:30pm. And if you sign up for BOTH CLASSES prior to January 14, you will receive a complimentary CARDIYoga EXPRESS workout designed to make it super easy to practice at home, plus the accompanying playlist! Add a couple of long walks each week and you’re done. No need to think about fitness training anymore. We’ve taken the WORK OUT of workout…and replaced it with fresh, fast, fat-burning, flexible fun!
Namaste people.
Mini CARDIYoga Playlist
Titanium – David Guetta: Sun Salutes
Moves Like Jagger – Maroon 5: Running Drills
Wide Awake- Katy Perry: Balance Poses
4 Minutes – Madonna & Justin Timberlake: Pilates core exercises
Starships – Nikki Menage: Skipping & boxing drills
Somebody That I Used to Know – Gotye: Hip opening
One Life – Hedley: Shavasana
Dancing to downward dog is the best way to practice!