Looking for easy ways to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions? We are pleased to announce a great new addition to Daily Apple Living! One of our “Fresh Fitness” programs includes an easy-to-implement weight loss/management program called (of course!) “The Core Plan”. It is intended to be more of a lifestyle than a “quick fix” as the choices we encourage you to make are ones that we also encourage you to keep. The plan is divided into 3 sections: Food, Fitness and of course FUN! Today’s “Daily Apple” is our first post about Fitness. We have developed a great 20 minute workout that you can do right in the comfort of your own home! All you need is a great playlist (see below) and a good pair of shoes!

I LOVED this show!
The 20 Minute Workout (not circa 1980 – no leg warmers required)
o Five Standing Sun Salutes (or Toe Touches if you don’t know how to do them!): 2 minutes
o Stair climbing: 3 minutes
o Virtual skipping or jump rope: 3 minutes
o 10 pushups: 1 minute
o 20 squats: 1 minute
o 20 crunches: 1 minute
o Stair climbing: 3 minutes
o Jumping jacks: 1 minute
o Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes
o 10 Dips (off a bench or chair): 1 minute
o Plank: 1 minute
o Stretch: 1 minute
Don’t Stop the Music – Rihanna
Gold Digger – Kanye West
Low – Flo-Rida
Push It – Salt n Pepa
Sexy Back – Justin Timberlake
Single Ladies – Beyonce
RockStar – Pink