Yesterday I was bad. Very bad. And today, I’ll pay for it.
Being a mother has been a difficult adjustment for me. Don’t get me wrong…. my 22 month old son is incredible — curious, musical, a great performer (just like his daddy!) happy and insanely busy. He is amazing. And exhausting. He IS the “reason mommy drinks”. And why I created my Perfect Parenting recipe. Motherhood didn’t come naturally to me…but I have figured out how to parent effectively and enjoyably, especially with our all-over-the-place work schedule. And all it takes is 4 simple things:
A clean and green diet ( for me that means 5-10 servings of fresh fruit and veggies, whole grains, no processed foods, no meat (except fish) and no dairy (except yoghurt)
30+ minutes of intense exercise (running, bootcamp-style training, weight circuit, CARDIYoga)
Bed before 10pm (even if our boy does still get up several times in the night!)
If I can adhere to all of these rules, then it’s easy. I’m the perfect parent… Wonder Woman… Mom of the Year. I can do Gymboree, a park playdate, a soccer game and a trip to the library all before lunch with energy to spare and a smile on my face. If one of these factors slip…it’s still a pretty good day. If two do, I start to struggle. If it’s three – the day goes downhill fast. And if I’ve turned a blind eye to all four….look out.
Yesterday I was bad. Popcorn and ice cream for dinner. No exercise. Bed at 11:45 and two glasses of wine and a beer. I blame my husband. He wanted a “date night”. And we had a great one…tons of laughs, lots of reminiscing, a wicked soundtrack (thanks to our new fave website SONGZA!) and good Dr Phil-esque talks.
So I may not be a perfect parent today. But I was a fun wife last night. Now all I need is a little kale and my running shoes and I’ll be back on track in no time.
Super Mum!